Case Study on Improving HIV Testing and Services for Children Orphaned or made Vulnerable by HIV (OVC): Approaches of the Leo Toto and APHIAplus Nuru ya Bonde Programs in Kenya

Francesca Stuer & Kate Greenaway - 4Children/Catholic Relief Services

In this case study, Coordinating Comprehensive Care of Children (4Children) documents and evaluates the work of COGRI’s Lea Toto program and the FHI360 led APHIAplus program in Kenya. The case study is one of three case studies developed by 4Children at the request of the Office of HIV and AIDS at USAID to share and promote learning from OVC programs which have implemented successful interventions to increase HIV testing and services (HTS) for children. 

This case study includes a background on Kenya and the context of the country's health and social welfare services, a description of both the Lea Toto program and the APHIAplus program and their strategies, as well as program results, including promising practices and remaining challenges. 

