Free online course: "Screening Children for Feeding Difficulties"


Screening children for feeding difficulties at appropriate developmental stages allows for earlier intervention and thus better outcomes that support life-long feeding skills. SPOON designed this free course to unpack the components of mealtime that can be used for screening, how to differentiate food textures, and how to identify feeding difficulties and opportunities to support caregivers.

This course is for caregivers and professional service providers working with children with disabilities, children at risk of family separation, or children in alternative care. The information in this course can be applied to residential settings, community service provision, and family-based care. It should take 45-60 minutes to complete.

To enroll:

1. Create an account on SPOON’s learning platform:

2. Confirm your email address by clicking on a link in an email sent to you.

3. Enroll in the class at