Produced by MenCare, the second State of the World's Fathers report provides a worldwide analysis of fatherhood and caregiving. Drawing on global research and statistics, this report serves as an advocacy tool for MenCare's global fatherhood campaign and proposes a call to action for policy and practice around the world. Since the State of the World's Fathers 2015 report, examples from around the world have affirmed that change is possible; however, there is still a long way to go in equalizing care responsibilities for men and women.
The 2017 State of the World's Fathers report focuses on the following five priority areas:
• All individuals, regardless of gender, must be encouraged to see themselves as both caregivers and financial providers – and be supported in both of these roles.
• Paid leave, equally shared between mothers and fathers (or in other co-caregiver arrangements), is essential to achieving an equitable distribution of caregiving.
• The goal of full equality in unpaid care work will be constrained as long as families face extreme economic hardship, or lack access to necessary income supports and subsidized childcare.
• Effective parent training that includes men can achieve multiple powerful objectives.
• Finally, State of the World's Fathers: Time for Action calls on every country to set a national goal of men and boys doing half of the unpaid care work, and for a global goal of men and boys doing fully 50 percent of the unpaid care work.
For more information, or to read the full report, please click the image above. To learn more about State of the World's Fathers and MenCare's global fatherhood campaign, click here.