The Scale-Up of Linked Multilevel Interventions: A Case Study

Fred Wulczyn & Sara Feldman - Implementation Science 3.0


In this chapter, we describe the scale-up and impact of a linked multilevel intervention in a public child welfare system. Linked multilevel interventions are interventions with multiple components that target one or more levels within the systems. In health care, multilevel interventions are gaining traction, but there are few references to multilevel interventions in the child welfare despite obvious parallels. Families with children in the child welfare system face challenges across multiple life domains, and the systems designed to serve those families are administratively and financially interdependent. Single prong interventions that address one level of the service system while ignoring the interdependencies may be less effective. In this chapter, we describe one attempt to align the interdependencies in ways that improve the chances an intervention will have its intended effect.