2017 Whole of Syria Child Protection Needs Overview – Compilation of Child Protection Data Collected for the 2017 Syria Humanitarian Needs Overview


The 2017 Whole of Syria Child Protection Needs Overview: A Compilation of Child Protection Data Collected for the 2017 Syria Humanitarian Needs Overview provides analysis of child protection needs and risks at the government level to support child protection actors in programmed development, resource mobilasation and advocacy.

Data collection and assessments were conducted through Jordan, Syria, and Turkey hubs between April and July 2016.  Respondents were asked their perceptions on the reasons children are unaccompanied and separated from their usual caregivers.  The reasons given were: death of caregiver; detention or disappearance of child/caregiver; separation from caregivers while moving to safe locations; caregivers willing to send children to live with extended family or safer location; and medical evacuation of caregivers.

Respondents were also asked about recruitment and use of children in the Syrian conflict; child marriage; services for children; and child labour.
