Four Family for Every Child member organisations share their experiences and perspectives on supporting the mental health of vulnerable children, building on discussions from their last event:
- Jennifer Cueva - CPTCSA (Philippines) - talks us through CPTCSA's interventions for sexually abused children below the age of 18 years, which includes CPTCSA's approach to healing through counselling and building interpersonal relations.
- Angel Rojas Garzón & Leonardo Velazquez - JUCONI (Mexico) - share how JUCONI supports children with their emotional needs within their family contexts, creating safe spaces and building relationships.
- Caryn Onions - The Mulberry Bush (UK) - shares how staff at their therapeutic school and children's home are trained to help children understand their feelings as the bedrock for good mental health.
- Stella Duque - Taller de Vida (Colombia) - explains how art therapy and creative, participatory experiences can support good mental health.