Trauma-informed care initiatives show promise for improving practice in the child welfare system

Berenice Rushovich, Kelly Murphy, Jessica Dym Bartlett - Child Trends

This blog post from Child Trends presents findings from an evaluation of three models of trauma-informed care (TIC) in the US child welfare system. These models "train staff, resource parents, and other adults in children’s lives to recognize and respond effectively to traumatic stress reactions, to integrate screening and assessment into care, and to refer children who have been exposed to trauma to evidence-based and evidence-informed treatments," says Child Trends. The blog post presents information on each of the three models (Trauma Systems Therapy, Trauma Systems Therapy-Foster Care, and ARC Reflections) and their use in different agencies around the country. 

"These recent evaluations suggest that TST (TST and TST-FC) and ARC Reflections are promising approaches for integrating TIC into child welfare systems. Further, the results suggest that resource parents and staff benefit from practical tools and approaches and a common language of trauma, which can then lead to positive outcomes for children involved in the child welfare system."