Adoption: Evaluating the Eligibility and Suitability of Prospective Adopters


To adopt a child is not a right for adults. Adoption is, on the contrary, a protective measure for the child. A family that wishes to adopt, should be recognized beforehand as able to protect and respect in a lasting manner a child who was not born into that family, who already has his own life story distinct from the adoptive family, and who has suffered through situations that have traumatized him (a newborn child who has been abandoned or whose mother died has already suffered a trauma) or embodies differences from the society in which he is supposed to integrate. A family that wishes to adopt, should be recognized beforehand as able to protect and respect in a lasting manner a child in need of adoption. It is important to make a psycho-medico social study of the applicants to become adopters bearing in mind the interests of the child (although as yet unidentified) as a matter of priority.

