Executive Summary of the International Forum on Intercountry Adoption and Global Surrogacy

Kristen E. Cheney

This executive summary is the first document in a series of six reports, from the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS), about the International Forum on Intercountry Adoption and Global Surrogacy, held in August 2014. The executive summary presents an overview of the findings from the reports in this series, which focus on five thematic areas: (1) HCIA Implementation and the Best Interests of the Child; (2) Intercountry Adoption, Countries of Origin, and Biological Families; (3) Intercountry Adoption Agencies and the HCIA; (4) Force, Fraud, Coercion; and Global Surrogacy Practices. The summary provides background information and rationale for the Forum, details the keynote addresses from the Forum, examines the emerging themes, and concludes with the recommendations discussed in the Forum.

The other reports in the series can be found here:

ISS Working Paper Series/General Series (Vol. 596, pp. 1–40) International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS)