Promoting Kafaalah as an Alternative Family Care System within the Muslim Community

Changing the Way We Care

This brief provides an overview of Kafaalah, an alternative family care option rooted in Islamic tradition, where a sponsor (Kafiil) cares for a child (Makfuul) without severing the child's ties to their birth family. It explains how Kafaalah differs from adoption by emphasizing that the child retains their birth family name and inheritance rights.

The brief also outlines the legal recognition and support for Kafaalah under Islamic, international, and Kenyan laws, including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Kenyan Children Act 2022.

Additionally, the brief highlights the religious and moral importance of Kafaalah in Islam, its legal frameworks, and its advantages over institutional care. It includes testimonials from local leaders, such as Ustadh Athman Ali, who discuss the positive impact of Kafaalah in supporting Muslim children and communities in Kenya. Through Changing the Way We Care's efforts, children placed in Kafaalah receive the love, stability, and cultural continuity essential for their overall development.

Promoting Kafaalah as an Alternative Family Care System within the Muslim Community