The Evaluation of the Adoption Support Fund

Sadie King, Matt Gieve, Giorgia Iacopini, Anna Sophie Hahne, Heather Stradling – The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations

Executive Summary

Following 10 local authority prototype projects, the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) was introduced across England in May 2015. Between May 2015 and February 2017 10,231 families were funded to receive a range of post-adoption therapeutic services through the Fund.

From May 2015 to February 2017 the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations undertook an evaluation of the new Adoption Support Fund.

The key aims were to:

  • Describe the implementation of the ASF, to see if there had been any changes triggered in how funding used for post-adoption support was being channelled and how this impacted on core services;
  • Describe how the assessment for post-adoption support had been influenced by the introduction of the Fund;
  • Ascertain if, and how, the ASF funding stimulated expansion in a market for postadoption support;
  • Assess whether families’ experiences of post-adoption support services had improved; and
  • Measure improvement in the lives of families who received therapeutic services through the Fund. 