The Role of Community Care Coalition for Child Protection in Assosa City

Abebe Senbeta - Addis Ababa University - The School of Social Work

This study investigates the effects of Community Care Coalitions on child protection in Assosa City, Ethiopia. It explores services and strategies employed by Community Care Coalitions to address child protection, as well as challenges faced by Community Care Coalitions while attempting to provide these services.  This paper points out how Mizrahi and Rosenthal state that successful coalition building has the following four basic components; condition, commitment, contributions and competence.  Senbeta also points out how politics can have significant effects on coalition building.

The role of Community Care Coalition is vital to the success of child protection programs.  Effectiveness depends on the proper function of a coalition.  Conflicts, poverty and natural disaster all have a significant ability to hamper the work of coalition.  The study found that services provided by Community Care Coalitions brought positive changes to the issues involved with child protection.