Attachment-Informed Practice with Looked After Children and Young People

Judy Furnivall, SIRCC, on behalf of Scottish Attachment in Action - Institute for Research and Innovation on Social Services

This document provides an overview of attachment and attachment theory, stressing the importance of healthy attachments for children, especially looked after children. The document presents a policy context for children in care in Scotland, including the interventions available, and those underway, for at-risk and vulnerable children and families. The document also includes a description of the evidence on the impact of early experiences on brain development as well as the evidence on effective preventive and therapeutic work with children and families. The report finds that the most effective interventions for children in care are those that help to develop healthy attachments between children and adult caregivers and highlights the need to properly assess, train, and support carers and workers. The report concludes with practice implications for working with children looked after at home, children in alternative family care, and children in residential care, as well as for supporting adults and managing transitions.
