Sleep health is a critical but under-recognized area of concern for the more than 650,000 children served by the US child welfare system each year. While sleep is vital to optimal child health and development, it is likely harmed by the multiple adversities and traumas experienced among children and youth residing in alternative care settings (ie, kinship care, nonrelative foster care, group homes). Children residing in alternative care settings have experienced, at a minimum, the trauma of removal from a biological parent's care and would benefit from holistic, comprehensive care approaches inclusive of sleep health. Furthermore, few studies are currently available to guide practitioners and policymakers in promoting sleep health among these children. The goal of this Call to Action is to draw attention to the sleep health of children residing in alternative care settings. It highlights the need for a more robust evidence base to address major knowledge gaps and outline concrete steps toward building future promising sleep health-promoting practices and policies supporting children residing in alternative care settings.