Changing Futures

Changing Futures is a website for young people made by young people with experience of Tusla [child welfare] services in Ireland. The website offers platforms for children ages 10-15 years old and 16-18 years old and takes them through some of the things they can expect as they enter into care. The website shares the stories of young people involved in the care system or "getting help from Tusla services" and the details of their experiences to help other young people become more familiar with the process.

"We think this website could really be used by anybody, like teachers at school or friends of people in care who are trying to understand a situation. And especially any young person who needs help from Tusla but would like to know more information about the type of help and workers, with information coming from young people just like them.  

We really believe that giving young people information empowers them to be more involved in making decisions about their own lives and we hope this website will be a tool to help this. We think it will Change Futures, it’s changed ours!"