How Does Foster Care Work?: International Evidence on Outcomes

Child Welfare Outcomes - Elizabeth Fernandez and Richard P. Barth

This book features individual empirical studies on the outcomes and progress made for children in foster care around the world. The studies are organized into three parts. The first part, ‘Placement Movements and Destinations,’ includes studies from the United States, Netherlands, Spain and Australia on placement stability and reunification, among other topics. The second part, ‘The Foster Care Experience: A Life Course Perspective,’ includes studies from the UK and the US. And the final part, ‘Psychological Outcomes and Correlates of Outcomes,’ describes studies and research from the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland, Canada, and Australia. These studies offer insight into what makes effective foster care, the outcomes of foster care for children, comparisons on kinship versus non-kinship care, and more. The book concludes with an analysis of the research findings offered and a recommendation for the direction of policy, practice and research going forward.