Immigration Enforcement & the Child Welfare System

Immigrant Legal Resource Center

This report from the Immigrant Legal Resource Center of the United States highlights the connections between US immigration policy and the child welfare system, particularly the criminalization of undocumented immigrants and its impact on foster care in the US. The report explains that recent policy changes have led to an increased level of fear among immigrant families and that, in turn, many families are afraid to access public resources. "As a result of the constant threat of deportation, some families are afraid to do anything that could expose them to heightened risk, including sending children to school, accessing necessary public benefits and services for which parents or children are lawfully eligible, reporting crimes to the police, and cooperating with law enforcement in the investigation and prosecution of crimes." "These trends," says the report, "have the makings of a public education, public health, and public safety crisis of great proportion."

The report describes how immigration enforcement impacts the child welfare system, including the higher risk of immigrant children being placed into foster care due to a parent or caregiver's deportation. The report outlines important points to consider when working with immigrant families and children and highlights existing protections for immigrant families in California, as well as existing federal policies that help keep immigrant families intact. The report concludes with information on what social workers can do to support immigrant families and a list of additional resources.
