Let’s Raise Children in Families Programme Case Study: Divine

National Commission for Children, UNICEF, USAID

In 2013, in collaboration with UNICEF, the government of Rwanda established the Tubarerere Mu Muryango (Let’s Raise Children in Families - TMM) programme to enable the closure of large-scale residential care institutions for children and promote family-based care. The programme aims to build strong systems of protection and care that will have sustainable and wider benefits for children in Rwanda. This case study profiles the reintegration experiences of one child who has participated in TMM. It is based, where possible, on interviews with the child, his or her family, district social worker and psychologist, community child protection volunteers (known in Rwanda as Inshuti z’Umuryango – IZU – Friends of the Family), neighbours, peers and others. All names and identifying characteristics have been changed to protect the anonymity of all concerned.

This case study is part of a package of materials documenting successes and lessons learnt from implementation of the child care reform programme between 2012 and 2018.
