This “roadmap” document outlines the recommended implementation strategies and activities for strengthening family- and community-based alternative care in Liberia. It accompanies the Guidelines on Kinship Care, Foster Care and Supported Independent Living (the Guidelines) and the Capacity Building Plan to Implement the Guidelines (CBP). The roadmap serves as a resource tool for the Government of Liberia, and its partners, for the protection of children without appropriate care through the development of alternative care, deinstitutionalization and other support services. The plan is also intended as a tool for advocacy, to help secure the necessary resources for further developing the protection system for children in Liberia. The roadmap has been developed through discussions with key stakeholders on how to transform care for children without appropriate care, from a situation where children in care are primarily in residential institutions or living in informal care arrangements that often place significant strain on children and families.
The information in this roadmap is organized around four primary categories: (1) Raising awareness, advocating for the guidelines and general implementation; (2) Building and consolidating the existing mechanisms; (3) Further strengthening and/or piloting the care provisions in the guidelines; and (4) Innovating new practices through work with specialized non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The roadmap also includes several tables and visual representations to illustrate the information presented and to guide readers through the steps to ensuring the protection and care of children without appropriate care.