SHAME ON U.S. - Failings by All Three Branches of Our Federal Government Leave Abused and Neglected Children Vulnerable to Further Harm

Children’s Advocacy Institute of the University of San Diego School of Law

This study, produced by the Children’s Advocacy Institute at the San Diego School of Law, examines the activities of the federal government of the United States in regards to enacting and enforcing child welfare laws and ensuring that individual states are complying with minimum federal standards for child protection. The study has a particular focus on the ways in which the federal government is working to provide foster youth with a path to adulthood, and ensuring that states do the same. The report reviews all three branches of the federal government and singles out particular states to assess how they are meeting (or failing to meet) minimum federal requirements. The report includes findings from the study and detailed recommendations for improving the child welfare system nationwide.

In collaboration with First Star
