MFM: A Comprehensive Approach
From preventative strategies to transitional and permanency solutions, the Mockingbird Family Model (MFM) offers a comprehensive support structure for families and children across the continuum of the child welfare experience:
- Children and Youth ages birth to 21 years
- Birth Families
- Formal and Informal Kinship Caregivers
- Foster Families
- Foster-to-Adopt Families
- Adoptive and Chosen Families
The Mockingbird Family Model prioritizes: keeping families together and preventing children from entering the foster care system; restructuring foster care to support foster caregivers and maintain relationships with birth families; and stabilizing and supporting transitions, with special interest to permanency.
To download the Mockingbird Family Model, please click the image to the right. To learn more about the MFM, or watch a video about MFM constellations and their use of 'hub homes,' visit the Mockingbird Society's website here.