The Recruitment, Retention, and Support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foster Carers: A Literature Review

Nick Richardson, Leah Bromfield, and Daryl Higgins - National Child Protection Clearinghouse

The aim of this report was to examine the recruitment, retention, training, assessment and support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people caring for children removed from their parents. In Section 2, contextual issues are described in relation to  the placement of children into out-of-home care and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-specific issues in out-of-home care. In Section 3, a review of Australian and international research investigating the recruitment, retention, assessment, training and support of Indigenous foster carers is presented and the implications for the Australian Indigenous community discussed. In Section 4, the same issues are discussed in relation to kinship carers. Kinship care was identified as a gap in Australian research, thus an international review of research investigating kinship care is presented and the implications for the Australian Indigenous community are discussed. The report identifies significant gaps in the knowledge base and areas for future research to address.
