Championing Kinship Care: The National Kinship Care Strategy

Department for Education

This is the first-ever National Kinship Care Strategy to be published in the UK. The strategy establishes “the foundations for a future, transformed kinship care system in England.”

The strategy includes the following commitments, amongst others:

  • Launching a kinship financial allowance, paid at the same rate as the fostering allowance, beginning in up to 8 local authorities
  • Expanding the Virtual School Head’s role
  • Renaming the Adoption Support Fund to the Adoption and Special Guardianship Support Fund
  • New government guidance for employers on how kinship carers can be supported at work
  • Establishing a training, information and advice offer for all kinship carers
  • Creating a new Kinship Care Ambassador role
  • Publishing an updated version of the 2011 Family and Friends Care: Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities
  • Agreeing work with the Law Commission to review legal orders and statuses for kinship carers