Adolescents placed in residental-care, due to their past adverse experiences of abandonment, abuse or neglect in the family of origin, are more vulnerable to emotonal-behavioral problems and showed rates of psychopathology that ranges between 71% - 76,2% (Jozefak et al., 2016). Emotonal-behavioral problems, in terms of internalizing (i.e. depression, anxiety, withdrawn) and externalizing symptoms (i.e. delinquency and aggressive behaviors) may be related to atachment and Emotonal Regulaton (ER) strategies, i.e. Cognitve Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression (John & Gross, 2004, Pace et al., 2018; Pace & Muzi, 2017). Adolescents in residental-care showed both prevalent insecure or disorganized atachments (Quiroga et al., 2017) and difcultes in ER (Batki, 2017). However, no studies before assessed jointly these variables in italian residental-care adolescents, in order to investgate their relatonships with the rates of psychopathological symptoms.
This research poster presents an overview of a study conducted in Northern Italy. The study's aims were to: (1) investgate the associatons among atachment paterns, Emotonal Regulaton (ER) strategies and internalizing or externalizing symptoms showed by adolescents in residental-care and (2) examine the predictve role of atachment and ER strategies for the rates of internalizing/externalizing symptoms.