This report intends to share the status of the child care homes (CCHs) in Nepal - facts and figures, problems, financial supports and progress. The report found that, though CCHs are the last option to keep orphan and vulnerable children, it has become a common practice to send needy children, especially ones who are not in parental care and vulnerable children, to CCHs. The CCHs are found operating either with the support of international organizations and/or sponsorship of individual or religious groups and/or individual charities. Therefore, the numbers of the CCHs fluctuate from time to time. In 2008 a total of 454 CCHs were recorded, where as the number reached to 797 in 2013. But, the numbers of the CCHs decreased to 594 in 2014 altogether in 46 districts. The recent data collected by the CCWB shows that the numbers of CCHs again slightly decreased to 585 as of January 2015 in altogether 45 districts instead of 46 districts.