The 3rd BICON, organized by Udayan Care with support from Amity University and in partnership with UNICEF, is for everyone involved in the care of children and youth in out of home care in South Asia. It will bring together national and international experts, individuals and organisations working on child protection and alternative care and civil society representatives from SA countries. Delegates from Government offices and agencies responsible for child protection and members of the media will also be invited.
The 3rd BICON is being held primarily with the following objectives:
• Improve knowledge and understanding on alternative care settings in South Asia
• Examine existing standards, legislative and policy frameworks on alternative care in South Asia
• Share and exchange experiences, research and models of care
• Identify challenges related to shift away from institutional care in South Asia
• Create a network of likeminded organizations to advance the advocacy work of implementation
of policy measures on alternative care in South Asia.