A Good Start in Life - The importance of early universal interventions when creating a good start in life for our children

City of Gothenburg

The City of Gothenburg initiative Social Days 2016 presents "A Good Start in Life - The importance of early universal interventions when creating a good start in life for our children."

This event will take place Thursday, 17 March 2016 from10.00 – 12.30 at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union Square de Meeûs 30, Brussels. Please register by 15th of March by replying to: brusselsevents@cityhall.goteborg.se.

As part of the effort to reach the political goal of becoming an equal city and reducing inequalities, the City of Gothenburg conducted in 2014 a report entitled “Inequality in Living Conditions and Health in Gothenburg”. The report shows that there are large differences in income, health conditions and life expectancy in Gothenburg. The report also indicates that future livelihood and health of children are determined at an early stage in a child’s life. By giving a child a good start in life the city aims to change this situation and work towards equality.

This seminar will highlight the latest research and practice within the field of inequality in health and living conditions, focusing on the issue of early universal interventions. The keynote speaker, Professor Yvonne Kelly from ESRC International Centre for Lifecourse Studies at University College London, will present her work in the field and discuss why reading with children is vital for a good start in life. Dr Agata D’Addato, Senior Policy Coordinator will present Eurochild´s perspective on this subject.

The European Commission also acknowledges the importance of early universal interventions in order to achieve later success in life in terms of education, well-being, employability, and social integration, especially for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Representatives from the European Commission will discuss policy and funding instruments to counteract growing inequalities in health and living conditions.

Program Schedule

10:00-10:15 Equality in the City of Gothenburg (Marina Johansson, Deputy Mayor City of Gothenburg) 

10:15-10:30 A National Perspective on Health Inequality (Representative from the Swedish Government) 

10:30-10:45 A European Perspective on Health Inequality (Representative from the European Commission)

10:45-11:00 Eurochild ́s Perspective on Early Universal Interventions (Dr Agata D ́Addato, Senior Policy Coordinator – Policy, Practice and Research, Eurochild)

11:00-11:40 Reading With Children is Vital for a Good Start in Life (Prof Yvonne Kelly, University College London)

11:40- 12:00 A City Where We Read to Our Children (Åsa Lundquist, Development Officer, City of Gothenburg) 

12:00-12:30 Panel debate

Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union Square de Meeûs 30, Brussels