ACPF Seventh International Policy Conference on the African Child (IPC)

ACPF is holding its Seventh International Policy Conference on the African Child (IPC)  under the theme:“Our Hidden Shame: Crimes and Extreme Violence against Children in Africa” on 7-8 November 2016 at the United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The IPC is a major biennial event organised since 2004 and aimed at promoting policy dialogue and providing a platform for engaging and interacting on the challenges facing children in Africa and the policy choices that governments could consider to promote child wellbeing. 

The seventh IPC is intended to address the extremely violent, often fatal, practices inflicted on specific groups of children in the continent: children accused of demonic possessions and witchcraft; children who are victims of ritual killings and sacrifices; children with disabilities; and children with albinism. It is also expected to initiate an Africa-wide campaign to bring these practices to a quick end.

For further information, kindly visit the webpage for the Seventh IPC by clicking the link to the right above.

United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia