BridgeBuilder™ Challenge Launch

GHR Foundation

GHR Foundation will launch its $1 Million BridgeBuilder Challenge on 2 July 2019. In collaboration with OpenIDEO, GHR’s BridgeBuilder invests in the building and repairing of unique bridges between people, organizations, issues, and beliefs to promote meaningful engagement, and sustainable, community-led change. In its third year, BridgeBuilder™ seeks ideas addressing urgent and emergent needs among people on the move — a global population deeply impacted by a lack of peace, prosperity, and sound environmental conditions. 

BridgeBuilder 2019 is prioritizing the voices, perspectives and ideas of people on the move. Diverse stakeholders who have lived experience, or have dedicated their careers to the topic of migration have provided feedback on program design. Throughout the challenge, Bridgebuilder is committed to proactively seeking the participation of people on the move and removing barriers through regional outreach leaders and localized community managers. When it’s time to choose finalists and winners, currently or previously displaced individuals will play a key role as experts in review and selection.