Child Care and Protection Symposium

The Association of Charitable Children Institutions of Kenya (ACCIK) in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Juvenile Justice Agencies, Moi University, Eldoret National Polytechnic

The Association of Charitable Children Institutions of Kenya (ACCIK) in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Juvenile Justice Agencies, Moi University, Eldoret National Polytechnic and other stakeholders is organizing a Child Care and Protection Symposium. The Regional Conference will be held at the Eldoret National Polytechnic, Eldoret, Kenya from 9th to 11th April 2019 under the theme ‘Mainstreaming Family and Community Responsibility in Childcare and Protection: Policies, Practices and Research’

The conference is expected to bring together stakeholders in child care and protection, such as national and county governments, education and research institutions, media, religious organizations, private sector, NGOs and Charitable Children Institution’s (CCI’s) among others.

The conference will be in line with the plan of action developed during the 1st National Symposium on child care and protection held in May 2018 at Multi-media University, Mbagathi Campus, Nairobi Kenya where participants proposed holding of regional conferences, where stakeholders in child care and protection at grassroots level can be able to share experiences, build on best practices, improve professionalism and develop collaborations and networks.

Click on the thumbnail image above for more information and Call for Abstracts. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 14 February 2019.

Nairobi, Kenya