COSP15 Side Event: Research and Data for Advancing the Rights of Children with Disabilities


Time: 10.00-11.15 EST; 16.00-17.15 CET

UNICEF is hosting a COSP15 Side Event on the topic of “Research and data for advancing the rights of children with disabilities” co-hosted by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and the International Disability Alliance.  Register here:

The Chair for the side event is Dr. Gavin Wood who leads the research on children with disabilities at UNICEF-Innocenti.  Gavin is joined by a senior panel of experts who will discuss the critical gaps and opportunities of research and data for guiding investment in effective interventions to support the inclusion and rights of children with disabilities:

  1. Paul Richard Fife, Director, Department for Human Development, Norad (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation)
  2. Federico Martire, Deputy Program Director, International Disability Alliance Secretariat
  3. Rahma Mustafa, independent consultant, representing the International Disability Alliance
  4. Hannah Kuper, Professor of Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  5. Bronagh Byrne, Co-Director of the Centre for Children's Rights and co-founder of the Disability Research Network

Our expert panelists will discuss the topic of research and data, giving their perspectives on the most important gaps in research on children with disabilities and why they think so many gaps remain. We will hear from Dr. Byrne on the motivation for setting up the Disability Research Network and discuss why it is important to have researchers, who identify themselves as persons with disability, involved in conducting research. The panel discussion will conclude with statements on what needs to be done to invest more in research and data on children with disability, including and especially at national levels and Global South.

Also joining the side are speakers from UNICEF who will present an evidence and gap map (EGM) and a maturity model for producing inclusive data systems:

  1. Shivit Bakrania, Knowledge Management Specialist, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti
  2. Anilkrishna Bjorn Thota, Consultant Evidence Synthesis, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti
  3. Claudia Cappa, Senior Advisor for Statistics and Monitoring, UNICEF Data and Analytics