Ending the Institutionalisation of Children: A free training programme to support the reform of care services for children


Lumos is offering a four-day training course designed specifically to guide policy-makers and senior level managers and practitioners through the process of deinstitutionalisation (DI) and to help identify what needs to be done, at what stage and by whom. It helps explore the risks and the challenges of this process but also offers practical solutions that have been developed by peers and DI experts with decades of experience in deinstitutionalisation programmes. The week-long training is free to attend for relevant policy makers and senior level practitioners but delegates must pay their travel and accommodation costs. 

The training is conducted in English but translators can be made available, or accommodated for simultaneous translation. Instruction is delivered through a mixture of tutor-led presentations, group discussions, break-out groups and workshops, and the course is led by Lumos Chief Executive Officer Georgette Mulheir. 

The training will be held at the Leonard Cheshire Centre at University College London, UK, 5-8 August 2014 

For further information or to book a place on this course, please contact James Chamberlain at james.chamberlain@lumos.org.uk or call +44 (0)207 253 6464