Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Annual Symposium: A Decade of Progress, A Future of Promise

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Annual Symposium: A Decade of Progress, A Future of Promise

The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance invites you join us for our Annual Symposium—to be held virtually during Social Service Workforce Week on 26 October 2023 from 12:00-14:00 UTC / GMT

Officially launched in 2013, the Alliance was originally conceived during the Social Welfare Workforce Strengthening Conference, in Cape Town, South Africa in 2010, when teams from 18 countries joined together to share experiences and address key challenges facing the social service workforce at a national, regional and global level. To commemorate our 10th anniversary as an Alliance, this year’s Symposium will offer a retrospective view of the Cape Town conference and the impact it achieved, both in the participating countries and globally. Then, through a deep dive into the experiences of three other countries—Guatemala, Viet Nam and Romania—it will explore the different ways countries have made progress in strengthening their workforce over the past decade and will highlight the continuing and emerging challenges facing the workforce in each country.