At last September's high-level Summit for Refugees and Migrants, the UN General Assembly adopted the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, which sets an ambitious agenda around protecting and sharing responsibility for refugees and migrants on a global scale. Over the next 18 months, the international community will be called upon to translate these commitments into practice by developing the Global Compact on Refugees and the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration. For this reason, several agencies have come together to lead the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts. This initiative brings together UN agencies, civil society, human rights institutions, donors, and the private sector and is co-convened by Save the Children and Terre des Hommes. The initiative is to a create constituency of actors that can support the translation of the commitments in the New York Declaration into action that genuinely protects children. The CPC Learning Network is hosting a online seminar to present the initiative to a broad audience and to gather feedback from webinar participants about how these global compacts can best serve children. |
During this interactive online seminar on Wednesday, March 22, at 10am EDT, Save the Children’s Daniela Reale and Terres des Hommes’ Ignacio Packer will provide an update on the Initiative and its work to date with a view of exploring how its work can be catalytic to a broader action for the support of children’s rights in the upcoming national, regional, and global processes. The International Organization for Migration’s Director of Migration Policy and Research Department, Michele Klein Solomon, will provide an update on the process of development of the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration, and UNHCR's Ellen Hansen, Senior Policy Advisor, will outline the progress to date on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework.