ISS-USA 7th Annual Conference, Beyond Separation: Protecting Cross Border Families


ISS-USA announced their 7th Annual Conference, Beyond Separation: Protecting Cross Border Families, co-hosted by the University of Maryland School of Social Work from Thursday, October 17th through Friday, October 18th. Day One of the conference features a half-day training institute followed by a full day conference featuring four expert panels on Friday. The two-day event will cover how legal, judicial, social service, and advocacy professionals share and implement best practices to protect the long term safety of cross border children and families.

The Training Institute is a full-day program designed to improve participants’ capacity to identify and manage cross-border permanency planning and child welfare cases. The training will help participants develop key skills to solve the problems that will be the focus of the conference on the following day.

Day Two of the conference will look at planning for the safety of vulnerable children separated from their family. Panels will include:

  1. Children on the Move: A Big Picture Look at International Family Separation
  2. Lessons from the Field: Best Practices in Repatriation and Reintegration
  3. Finding Common Ground: Legal and Social Work Cooperation in the Best Interest of Children
  4. Partners in Protection: The Role of Governments in Supporting Repatriating Children and Families


Baltimore, MD, USA