Maintain, Strengthen, Expand: Supporting the transition to family and community-based care in the next MFF

Opening Doors for Europe’s Children

Save the date for the Opening Doors for Europe’s Children event “Maintain, Strengthen, Expand: How the EU can support the transition from institutional to family and community-based care in the next MFF” that will take place on the 20th March 2018 on the premises of the European Commission in Brussels. 

The event will bring together civil society working with and for children and families in 25 European countries and key EU level stakeholders to discuss:

  • The EU’s added value in supporting the transition from institutional to family and community-based care for children in Europe;
  • Challenges and opportunities regarding the use of EU funds for deinstitutionalisation;
  • How the EU can ensure better outcomes for children through the next MFF.

The initiated discussions will also reflect insights from the Opening Doors for Europe’s Children new publication “Maintain, Strengthen, Expand: How the EU can support the transition from institutional to family and community-based care in the next MFF” that will be launched during the event.

The meeting will be moderated by Jana Hainsworth, Secretary General of Eurochild and Aaron Greenberg, UNICEF Regional Adviser for Child Protection. Agenda of the event and confirmed location will be shared shortly.

Interested? Please RSVP no later than 15th March to

Brussels, Belgium