Preventing Family Violence with Gender-Transformative Parenting Programmes

The Prevention Collective

Parenting and caregiving programmes offer a promising pathway to improving gender inequality as well as preventing both intimate partner violence (IPV) and violence against children (VAC) in the home. In this webinar, we highlight key findings and recommendations from parenting programmes that apply a gender-transformative approach to address IPV and VAC together and reflect on how this evidence has been used to strengthen interventions.

This is the first webinar in a series about integrating IPV and VAC in violence prevention programmes.

Lina Digolo, Senior Associate, Prevention Collaborative
Lauren Rumble, Gender Equality Principal Advisor, UNICEF
Alessandra Guedes, Gender and Development Research Manager, UNICEF

Clara Alemann, Director of Programs, Promundo
Thandi van Heyningen, Senior Research Consultant, Institute for Security Studies

View the webinar recording here.