Seminar: The Role of Religion and Religious Actors in the Protection of Children Deprived of Parental Care

Child Protection Network of Denmark

The seminar is part of a series of seminars organized by The Danish Child Protection Network under the overall theme of child protection through the promotion of transition homes and alternative family- and community-based care. 

  • When: Wednesday the 23rd of March 2021 at 14:00-16:00 (UTC+01:00) 
  • Participants: Civil Society Organizations, faith-based actors, funders, practitioners, researchers, or individuals with an interest in exchanging experiences and methodologies to promote the UN Resolution on the Rights of the Child. We invite organizations and individuals both from Denmark and the Global South to join.   
  • Organizers:  The Danish Child Protection Network (100% for the Children, ATOS, CKU, and SOS Børnebyerne)       
  • Expert presentations: TBC  

Historically religious groups have played a significant role in the separation of children from their families, they lived at boarding schools and orphanages etc. The

Historically, faith communities have been among the greatest advocates for the world’s neediest children, providing aid and comfort to disadvantaged families. In fact, the Convention on the Rights of the Child – the most widely accepted human rights treaty in the world – reflects deeply-held values embedded within religious traditions that uphold the inherent dignity of every child and the centrality of the family in building strong communities. Often though, the concern of religious groups for the children have led to the separation of children from their families, as they were institutionalized into boarding schools, orphanages etc. In more recent years these practices have been documented to potentially be deeply harmful to the children. Therefore, dialogues have been launched with and within faith communities to develop new approaches to better serve the needs of children deprived of parental care.  

In this seminar we will explore the 2019 UN Resolution, ‘Promotion and protection of rights of children’ with a focus on the role of religion and religious actors. We will consider how these actors can be drivers of the agenda of transition and alternative care. National and international experts working in different regions of the world will share their experiences in this and give participants the opportunity to engage in discussions to shed further light on the problems and solutions.