Side Event: Bringing Deinstitutionalization Back on the Agenda

2022 Global Disability Summit

: Feb 16 at 12:00 PM in Budapest

Organised by: Global Coalition for Deinstitutionalization: International Disability Alliance (IDA); Inclusion International; European Network for Independent Living (ENIL); Transforming Communities for Inclusion (TCI); Disability Rights Fund / Disability Rights Advocacy Fund (DRF/DRAF); Disability Rights International (DRI); Disability Unit, Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria; Validity Foundation – Mental Disability Advocacy Centre

This side event to the 2022 Global Disability Summit, organized by major global disability right groups gathered around the Global Coalition on Deinstitutionalization, aims to overcome such gap and bring attention to the important UN process of development of the Guildelines on Deinstitutionalization. The Guidelines will provide further concrete guidance to implement the right to live independently and being included in the community and will be a tool to support States parties and other stakeholders, in overcoming isolation, segregation and discrimination against children and adults with disabilities.

Download the concept note here.

Contact: Dragana Ciric Milovanovic,