SIRCC 2019 Conference: Celebrating, challenging and awakening the new in residential child care


2019 marks the 20thanniversary of Scotland's flagship residential child care conference. SIRCC is an annual event in the calendar for those working with looked after children in Scotland. The conference will be held 4 & 5 June 2019 in Glasgow.

Call for workshops

As a residential child care community we've faced strong headlines, inquiries, reviews, policy and legal changes, qualification processes and our wrangle with risk. The language we use may have evolved through the decades, and relationships might have been tested, however, we continue to remain hopeful, enquiring and passionate about our work.

In 2019 we encourage you to be part of our programme, sharing your stories and wisdom, as well as envisioning endless possibilities. This is YOUR conference and a place to share your practice, challenges and successes. We encourage you to dig deep and dream big across residential child care in Scotland - the floor is yours!

Glasgow, Scotland