The Orphan Industry: Child Safe Horizons Webinar Series

Child Safe Horizons


This one-hour webinar discussion on the “orphan industry” will feature a particular focus on the dangers that “orphanage tourism” presents for children living in residential care, the “magnet attraction” of residential care in particular countries, and the need to support efforts to promote community-based, kinship-model alternative care.

This webinar is designed for those working in international child protection within developing countries, particularly those with an interest in safe residential care; child safe tourism; robust child safeguarding policies and procedures; community-based child protection systems; and alternative care.

Karen Rasmussen – Director, Child Safe Horizons
Dr. Karen Smith Rotabi – Associate Professor, UAE University
Dr. Kathie Carpenter – Associate Professor, University of Oregon

The webinar will be held on: March 24th 2016 @ 9PM Bangkok; 3pm Geneva; 10am New York; and 1am AEST. 

If interested, email your interest to Maria Costa: by 18 March 2016

