Transforming Children's Care Webinar #10: Catholics Advancing Family Care Around the World/ Católicos promoviendo en todo el mundo el cuidado familiar

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Care - Catholics Advancing Family Care

: Jun 23, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in Eastern Time

This webinar co-hosted with the Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) initiative is an opportunity to lift up how the Catholic Church is advancing safe and nurturing family care for children around the world. Moderated by Mary Beth Iduh (Senior Program Manager for Faith Engagement, CTWWC), the webinar will feature inspiring examples of Catholic-led transitioning from residential care to other forms of family or community-based care.

These examples will highlight the impactful and committed work of Catholic women religious, clergy and laity in Haiti, India, Mexico, Sri Lanka and Zambia, as well as recent efforts by global Catholic leadership from the Vatican.

Presenters will represent entities such as Catholic Care for Children International (CCCI), the Zambia Association of Sisterhoods, the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd / Good Shepherd International Foundation (GSIF), Catholic Relief Services and the Tamil Nadu Social Service Society (TASOSS) / Catholic Bishops’ Conference for Justice, Peace and Development.

Spanish interpretation available.


Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform Catholics Advancing Family based care

Este seminario web está co-organizado por la iniciativa Cambiando la Forma en Que Cuidamos (CTWWC), y es una oportunidad para resaltar cómo la Iglesia y las congregaciones católicas están avanzando en el cuidado familiar seguro y enriquecedor para los niños, niñas y adolescentes en todo el mundo.

El Seminario estará moderado por Mary Beth Iduh (Administradora Senior de programas de involucramiento con organizaciones de fe, CTWWC), este presentará ejemplos inspiradores de los procesos de transición liderados por católicos transitando del cuidado residencial a otras formas de cuidado familiar o comunitario.

Estos ejemplos destacarán el trabajo impactante y comprometido de las religiosas, clérigos y laicos católicos en Haití, India, México, Sri Lanka y Zambia, así como los esfuerzos recientes del liderazgo católico mundial del Vaticano.

Interpretación simultánea en español disponible.