Unlocking the Potential of Family Networks

Research in Practice, CoramBAAF

Research in Practice and CoramBAAF are working together to host an open access online event about the recommendations of the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care for kinship care and how to support practitioners unlock the potential of family networks.

The event will take place at 9.30am-12.30pm on 5 October, which is during Kinship Care week and is aimed at policy professionals, practitioners and those involved in kinship care.

Kinship carers often have to make a decision to care for a child or children with little planning or preparation time. They often have not made a proactive choice to take on this role, but find themselves in an unplanned situation where they wish to safeguard or provide stability for a child that they love. There are lots of different types of kinship care and the support available to kinship carers who take on this significant and vital role varies enormously between local authorities.

The event will cover current issues relating to kinship care, the recommendations relating to kinship care that are in the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care, practical ways to involve family networks, recent research and ways practitioners can improve practice and experience of kinship carers right now.


  • Dr Susannah Bowyer, Assistant Director, Research in Practice – will discuss useful tools and practice that have been developed to support practitioners work better with family networks.
  • Professor Joan Hunt, Cardiff University – will present her views on the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care and their possible ramifications for kinship care.
  • Voices and views of experienced kinship carers – will discuss the realities of kinship care and the challenges they have experience in the current system.
  • Lucy Peake CEO, of the charity Kinship – will share her thoughts on the ongoing needs of kinship carers.
  • Clare Seth and Ann Horne, Kinship Consultants at CoramBAAF – will highlight key recommendations that are in the care review and practical steps local authorities can take right now to support kinship carers.

The audience will be able to put questions to the speakers. For social workers, reflection on this session may contribute to your continuing professional development (CPD).

Find out more and request a place.