This webinar will review new case management resources developed by the Case Management Interest Group of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance. These resources include a new document, Core Concepts and Principles of Effective Case Management: Approaches for the Social Service Workforce and a Case Management Tools and Resources Compendium comprised of best practice tools and resources for use at different stages of the case management process. These new materials will be released during this 24th webinar conducted by the Alliance on March 7, 9:00-10:00 am ET.
Quality case management practices have been shown to improve decision-making and service delivery in child welfare and protection that reduces violence against children, prevents unnecessary family separation, and improves child and family outcomes. In recent years, many organizations have been working on the development of case management resources, intended to strengthen the ability of the social service workforce to carry out effective case management practices.
Newly developed resources from the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance Case Management Interest Group will be presented during the webinar. These include:
- Core Concepts and Principles of Effective Case Management: Approaches for the Social Service Workforce – This documentbuilds upon existing resources while providing a concise description of the concept of case management.
- Case Management Tools and Resources Compendium – Following an in-depth review of existing tools and resources, the online Compendium highlights best practice tools and resources for use at various steps in the case management process.
The webinar will address the following key questions:
- What are the guiding principles and core concepts of case management?
- What are the steps involved in using a case management approach?
- Who is involved in the different steps of the case management process?
- What resources are needed to implement case management?
- Which tools and resources are available for the use and adaptation by the social service workforce in carrying out case management in different settings?
These resources were developed by members of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance who have provided expertise and input as part of the Case Management Interest Group. Alliance Interest Groups enable members to contribute specific knowledge and develop interest in thematic areas. These contributions aim to increase the knowledge base, build evidence and generate greater discourse on areas related to social service workforce strengthening.
The Case Management Interest Group is comprised of more than 70 Alliance members globally within two sub-groups, each focused on the development of one of the new resources and tools.
Kelley Bunkers is co-chair of the interest group sub-group on core concepts and principles. She is Technical Director at the 4Children Project and a Senior Partner at Maestral International, based in Nairobi. Kelley will present the contents of the Core Concepts and Principles of Effective Case Managementdocument and offer ways in which it can be used by social service workers as well as allied workforce members who implement case management processes.
Severine Chevrel is co-chair of the interest group sub-group on case management tools and resources. She is a Child Protection and Welfare Systems Senior Technical Advisor at the 4Children Project and a Senior Associate at Maestral International, based in the US. She will also inform the participants of the webinar about the selection criteria and pre-agreed assessment framework used by the review committee for screening the documents.
Natia Partskhaladze is Senior Technical Advisor at the Global Social Service Workforce, where she guides the work of the Case Management Interest Group.