Webinar: A Gendered Journey - Driving an evidence-based, gender-responsive approach to upholding the rights of people on the move

UNICEF, IOM GMDAC, UN Women, International Data Alliance for Children on the Move

Time: 8 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. EST

Gender plays a defining role in the migration experience, impacting destinations, pathways, opportunities and resources available to migrants and displaced persons. Women, girls and people with gender-diverse identities at all stages of migration face heightened risks of human rights violations and gender-based discrimination. While available research and data point to the ways in which the lived experiences of these groups will be shaped by gender, gaps in the knowledge base and lack of evidence-based policies and programmes leave too many women, girls and people with gender-diverse identities on the move unprotected.

This webinar that aims to provide concrete steps for policymakers, national statistical officers and practitioners to invest in data collection and leverage migration data for policy, and to offer practical guidance on gender-responsive migration governance. 


Ms. Verena Knaus, Global Lead, Migration and Displacement, UNICEF

Opening remarks:

H.E. Amb. Juan Ramón de la Fuente, Permanent Representative of Mexico to the UN (TBC)

Reflections on life on the move:

Ms. Faridah Luanda, Refugee Youth Leader & Activist

Session 1: 

A Framework for Protection – How gender determines migration risks and vulnerabilities and how to develop and implement gender-responsive policies, programmes and services in line with the GCM


Ms. Inkeri von Hase, Global Coordinator, Making Migration Safe for Women Project, UN Women
Mr. Mark Hereward, Associate Director, Data & Analytics, Division of Data, Analytics, Planning and Monitoring, UNICEF

Session 2: 

Migration Data for Policy and Programming – Developing guidance for gender-responsive data collection, production, use, analysis and dissemination


  • Mr. Frank Laczko, Director, Global Migration Data Analysis Centre, International Organization for Migration (IOM GMDAC)
  • Mr. Apostolos Kasapis, Director of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) and Chair of the IDAC Working Group on Child-Specific Data Capacity Strengthening on COM

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