Webinar: Transitioning Care Assessment Tool

Better Care Network, ACC International Relief, and Changing the Way We Care

The Better Care Network, ACC International Relief and Changing the Way We Care are delighted to invite practitioners, advocates and organisations who promote and support residential care service transitions to the launch webinar of the Transitioning Models of Care Assessment Tool.

Developers Rebecca Nhep and Hannah Won will introduce the tool and speak to its origins, purpose, use, structure, key themes and the unique scoring system that allows users to identify recommendations specific to their situation and develop a tailored strategy. Drawing on their own practice and experience in diverse contexts Anju Pun of Forget Me Not in Nepal and Peter Kamau of Child in Family Focus in Kenya will give examples and discuss why stakeholder assessments are so critical to effective residential care service transitions.

The webinar will be held on 6 August 2020 at 8 am EST / 3 pm EAT / 7 pm ICT / 10 pm AEST

Register here.
