Webinar: World Social Work Day - Advocacy Tools to Raise the Profile of Social Workers Locally and Globally

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance

Annually, World Social Work Day is celebrated on March 21 and throughout the month of March to highlight the value and contributions that social workers make every day throughout the world. The day is an opportunity for individuals and organizations to influence international, regional, and local policies and government actions. Yet, many individuals struggle with how best to gain the attention needed to strengthen the social work profession. This year's theme ‘Promoting Community and Environmental Sustainability’ relates to the third pillar of the Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development.

In advance of World Social Work Day, the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance invites you to join a webinar that will share advocacy tools and promotional resources being developed to champion the important role of social workers in three countries: Cambodia, Indonesia and the United States. During the webinar, presenters will share campaigns they are undertaking as part of World Social Work Day. They will share tools, infographics and key messages that social workers globally can be use or customize for use in other countries. The webinar will provide guidance and inspiration for local advocacy during World Social Work Day and throughout the year that will help to raise the profile of social workers nationally, regionally and internationally.


Ms. Ellen Minotti, Director, Social Service Cambodia

Ms. Yanti Kusumawardhani and Mr. Uga Pratama,
Association of Social Work and Save the Children, Indonesia

Mr. Greg Wright, Public Relations Manager,
National Association of Social Workers (NASW), United States


Ms. Nicole Brown, Communications Manager,
Global Social Service Workforce Alliance

Bookmark this link to access the webinar from your computer, tablet or phone
any time after 8:45am ET on March 16: 

We encourage you to sign in with your name and organization.

Calculate the time the webinar will be held in your part of the world at this link: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html 
*Note that the US will change time by moving clocks forward one hour on March 12

Please visit www.socialserviceworkforce.org/webinars to learn more about this webinar series and to access the series’ archives. This webinar will be recorded and available on the Alliance's website and YouTube channel after March 16.
