APC RFP - Performance Evaluation of Child Care Reform Project in Uganda

Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) project

The Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) project invites qualified organizations to submit proposals for an independent performance evaluation of a child care reform project that will be implemented in Uganda by a consortium of non-governmental organizations led by ChildFund International. One Fixed Price Contract is anticipated to be awarded under this Request for Proposals (RFP).

Important dates for the Performance Evaluation of Child Care Reform Project in Uganda RFP:

October 16 - Questions about RFP due

October 22 - Answers to questions posted on www.advancingpartners.org/grants/rfas

November 7 - Proposals due

For more information regarding the RFP, please visit www.advancingpartners.org/grants. Questions regarding the RFP should be directed to grants-APC@jsi.com.   

Please distribute this announcement to your members who fit the eligibility criteria and are interested in performing a Performance Evaluation of Child Care Reform Project in Uganda.