ASPIRES RFP: Developing the Evidence Base: Household Economic Strengthening Interventions to Prevent Family Separation and Support Reintegration of Children in Family Care


The Accelerating Strategies for Practical Innovation and Research in Economic Strengthening project (ASPIRES) is a USAID- and PEPFAR-funded cooperative agreement implemented by FHI 360 that supports evidence-based, gender-sensitive programming to improve the economic security and health and wellbeing outcomes of vulnerable families and children. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals to provide qualitative data collection and transcription/translation services to support ASPIRES’ evaluation research on these projects.  The qualitative component of ASPIRES’ evaluation research on the two projects will be built around a series of longitudinal interviews and associated activities with project beneficiary children and their caregivers in HHs in which a child is being reintegrated or that have been assessed to be vulnerable to family-child separation.

Questions are due 25 May, 2016 and the proposal deadline is 6 June, 2016.
