Bid Opportunity: CRS Family Strengthening Package (Approach, Guidance and Tools)

Catholic Relief Services

Solicitation Number: US3965.01.22

Consultancy Title: Family Strengthening Package (Approach, Guidance and Tools)

Date Issued: 1/18/2022

Inquiry Date: 1/21/2022

Proposal Deadline: 1/28/2022

Location: Global, home-based

Duration: 6 months

Number of days: 50

CRS is seeking qualified candidates to produce a Family Strengthening Package that includes CRS’s approach, guidance and tools to support family strengthening programming, including for children with disabilities, being implemented by CRS country programs around the globe.

The Strategic Change Platform 5: Strengthening Families for Thriving Children believes that children thrive when their families provide safe and nurturing care within supportive neighborhoods and communities. Family strengthening refers to programs, strategic approaches and deliberate processes of empowering families with the necessary capacities, opportunities, networks, relationships and access to services and resources to promote and build resilience and the active engagement of parents, caregivers, children, youth and other family members in decisions that affect the family’s life. CRS is particularly interested in building upon the Changing the Way We Care’s Family Strengthening Framework and experience from CTWWC demonstration countries to further articulate its family strengthening approach when working to prevent unnecessary family separation and to support separated children’s (re)integration into the care of their family or family-based alternative care. The Consultant will refine and articulate CRS’s family strengthening approach and develop accompanying guidance and tools.

The Consultant will:

  • Build upon Changing the Way We Care’s Family Strengthening Framework through work with the technical teams and other key stakeholders to expand upon and refine definitions, principles, approaches, frameworks and activities/interventions which encompass CRS’s family strengthening approach based on a review of internal and external materials and resources and relevant published and grey literature;
  • Reference Changing the Way We Care’s Family Strengthening Framework to articulate CRS specific and recommended approaches and interventions at the primary/universal, secondary and tertiary prevention levels including community level interventions that raise awareness, promote social connectedness/cohesion, reduce stigma and change/influence social norms and behavior;
  • Identify existing and, as needed, adapt/develop guidance and tools for stand-alone family strengthening programming to be used throughout the project management cycle (design, start-up, implementation, and closeout or exit/ transition strategy). Some examples of tools include:

o Design phase- tools to identify drivers/risks of family separation that the program aims to address; tools to identify and map existing and needed workforce and services (both formal government and CSO services and community support resources and mechanisms); tools/guidance to help decide what specific combination of interventions to implement (household economic strengthening, positive parenting, peer support, case management, early childhood development, nutrition support, etc.)

o Start-up phase- tools for participantidentification and selection, risk assessments,referral network mapping, workforce capacity assessment, etc. o Implementation phase- tools/guidance to identify and assess participants in need of more intensive services (tertiary level); tools/guidance for ‘case management lite’

o Closeout phase – tools to support the development of exit/transition strategies that are planned for during the design phase and updated throughout the project management cycle until the exit/transition phase.

  • Develop, in collaboration with the MEAL Senior Technical Advisor, a monitoring and evaluation framework including clearly articulated indicators, tools and guidance for family strengthening programming.